Sunday, October 23, 2011

Eeep! Neglect!!!

No!! No worries there is absolutely NO neglect on the Daisy front (nor will there ever be). The neglect I'm referring to is that of this blog! Its been a whirlwind first month with Daisy and she is learning ever so quickly. Figured I would have a blog post dedicated to picking up where the last post left off (isn't that what a blog is supposed to do anyway??)

So for those of you who remember, we left off at the end of night one where I awoke to find that Daisy had gone potty in her crate but also had gotten an upset tummy and as a result her tummy decided that it no longer liked her tasty dinner any longer. Now me being as optimistic as possible went to bed thinking 'It'll only get better'...boy was I wrong.

5 hours later I awoke again and found yet the same situation. Took her outside, went through the same previous motions, and then brought Daisy upstairs. I really started to feel bad for the poor thing. She was starting to not want to drink much of her water and each time I went to hold her she wimpered as if her belly was really bothering her [don't worry each story has a happy ending and I promise that this one has one :) ). Needless to say, I began to panic. The days went on and she didn't seem to be getting any better. The vomitting, the diharreah, the crying, and the ability to not be able to keep some food down. I called out to the Leader Dog campus first thing on a Thursday morning and they immediately wanted to see her. My mom and I packed her into the car and drove 45 mins out to Rochester Hills to the Leader Dog vets.

**side note: the Leader Dog veterinary team is AWESOME! They love their jobs and do a spectacular job with caring for all of their dogs that they have in their care and in the homes of so many raisers throughout the state of Michigan.**

We were seen promptly by the veterinary team who determined that it was a bit of a stomach bug that she could have picked up in the kennel while at Leader Dog. Needless to say that we left the vet with some special canned formula and pills for her to take and for us to give them a call if we had any further problems.

We brought Daisy home and proceeded to start her on the meds that the doctor had prescribed and little by little, day by day, she began to improve. In about a week and a half she was back to normal and ready to explore the world around her.

I know I said that I would have pictures posted but I have yet to get around to doing this (laziness on my part.) There will be photos in the next post. In the mean time, keep smiling and lovin life!!

Meredith and Future Leader Dog Daisy <3 :)

Eeep! Neglect!!!